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  • What makes "pure coffee water" stand out from the competition?
    Our product ... is adapted to the metric measuring system (5 liters), is significantly cheaper for European consumers, explicitly guarantees protection against limescale and corrosion by not using calcium citrate and was produced locally in Germany in compliance with German quality standards. Just give it a try and see for yourself!
  • What effects can I expect?
    pure coffee water in Kombination mit entmineralisiertem bzw. destilliertem Wasser bietet drei entscheidende Vorteile: Genuss Durch die Zubereitung deines geliebten Heißgetränks mit einer speziell darauf abgestimmten Mineralienmischung kannst du reinen, unverfälschten Kaffee-Geschmack genießen. Unser Produkt ist so abgestimmt, dass es die Aromastoffe deines Kaffees/Espressos bestmöglich unterstützt. Hierbei gilt natürlich, dass der Geschmack von vielen Faktoren abhängt, wie unter anderem dem verwendeten Kaffee und der Zubereitungsart. Geräte Die Kombination von pure coffee water mit entmineralisiertem bzw. destilliertem Wasser verhindert die Entstehung von Kalk, da wir im Vergleich zu diversen Konkurrenzprodukten komplett auf den Zusatz von Calcium verzichten. Zusätzlich sichert unsere Zusammensetzung und die dadurch erreichte optimale Wasserhärte explizit Schutz vor Korrosion und schont deine Geräte. Gesundheit Verunreinigungen und Schadstoffe belasten unser Leitungswasser leider zunehmend. Bei der Herstellung von entmineralisiertem Wasser werden diese unerwünschten Bestandteile nahezu vollständig entfernt und belasten deinen Organismus im Vergleich zu normalem Leitungswasser nicht.
  • Is demineralized or distilled water suitable for consumption?
    In principle, a healthy person can drink distilled or demineralized water without any concerns, even exclusively. With a healthy and varied diet, our body absorbs enough minerals and trace elements through normal food. There are even many countries in which distilled water is industrially bottled and consumed as particularly pure drinking water. What many people don't know: "Distilled water (demineralized according to VDE 0510)" sold in Germany/EU by DM, Klax, Kerndl and many other manufacturers is tap water that has been demineralized/deionized by reverse osmosis and is therefore - contrary to some opinion leaders - excellent and safe as a basis for making coffee. We have tested some of these products for purity as part of our product development, with unreservedly positive results. As "Distilled water (demineralized according to VDE 0510)" is explicitly declared for use in the laboratory and for aquariums, it must be free from harmful substances/impurities - manufacturers have no room to be negligent here. The note "Not suitable as drinking water" refers to the fact that an unbalanced diet combined with the exclusive consumption of demineralized/deionized water can potentially lead to deficiency symptoms. However, this is irrelevant for our application, as the water is mineralized again by pure coffee water before use.
  • What is the TDS value of the ready-mixed water?
    The ready-mixed pure coffee water has a TDS value of ~110 PPM with 45 KH (Buffer) and 65 GH (General Hardness) and is based on the recommendations of the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA). This makes our product significantly softer than many competitor products (e.g. Third Wave Water). Below is an overview of how our water compares (see yellow dot/pcw logo): [image is based on the graph of a Coffee ad Astra" blog post from Dec-16, 2018:]
  • Do I still need to descale my machine?
    No! The combination of demineralized or distilled water and pure coffee water makes descaling of your machine obsolete, as it contains no limescale and therefore prevents any mineral buildup in your appliances. Nevertheless, it is of course important that you continue to clean your appliances regularly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
  • How eco-friendly is your packaging / how do I dispose of it?
    Environmental protection and sustainability are very important to us. For this reason, we do not use plastic for both the outer packaging and the inlay in which the pure coffee water sticks are contained. Our cardboard is cellophane-wrapped on one side and is therefore an environmentally friendly alternative made from a sustainable raw material that is biodegradable. You can simply dispose of our outer packaging and inlay in waste paper, where it then undergoes a recycling process. Sachets/sticks can easily be disposed of in the yellow bag or recycling garbage can and thus returned to the raw material cycle
  • Can I have my order sent to a parcel locker? Can my shipment be tracked?
    We ship with Deutsche Post. They only deliver to postal addresses and do not deliver to parcel lockers. If you have to wait longer for your order, please contact us and we will check the expected delivery time communicated to us by DP.
  • Can I use pure coffee water with every appliance or for every brewing method?
    Yes, regardless of whether you use an espresso machine, fully automatic machine, capsule machine or kettle to prepare your favorite drink, you can use pure coffee water without restriction and benefit from its advantages.
  • Where do I buy deionized water or how do I make it myself?
    Demineralized/deionized water can be found in most drugstores and supermarkets labelled as "Distilled water (demineralized according to VDE 0510)" in the household products section. What many people don't know: "Distilled water (demineralized according to VDE 0510)" sold in Germany/EU by DM, Klax, Kerndl and many other manufacturers is tap water that has been demineralized/deionized by reverse osmosis and is therefore - contrary to some opinion leaders - excellent and safe as a basis for making coffee. We have tested some of these products for purity as part of our product development, with unreservedly positive results. As "Distilled water (demineralized according to VDE 0510)" is explicitly declared for use in the laboratory and for aquariums, it must be free from harmful substances/impurities - manufacturers have no room to be negligent here. The note "Not suitable as drinking water" refers to the fact that an unbalanced diet combined with the exclusive consumption of demineralized/deionized water can potentially lead to deficiency symptoms. However, this is irrelevant for our application, as the water is mineralized again by pure coffee water before use. Our recommendation and probably the most sustainable method of obtaining demineralized/deionized water is a reverse osmosis system - good systems are already available for less than EUR 70, which can be connected to the tap without any major installation on demand. The demineralized/deionized water obtained from this can be used directly as the basis for our product. Alternatively, a ZeroWater filter may also be worth considering.
  • Can I also use normal tap water filtered through an activated carbon filter (e.g. BRITA) or softener (e.g. BWT)?
    No. Both unfiltered tap water and tap water that has only been filtered using activated carbon or softeners is not completely free from limescale/minerals and impurities. This means that the benefits of pure coffee water in terms of taste, appliances and health cannot be guaranteed.
  • My machine has a built-in water filter - is this a problem?
    We recommend removing integrated water filters before using pure coffee water, as these in turn filter out some of the added minerals, meaning that the benefits of our product cannot be fully guaranteed. On the plus side, you can save yourself the trouble of buying and replacing filters in future!
  • Can I also choose a different mixing ratio?
    We advise against this. We recommend dissolving one stick in 5 liters of demineralized or distilled water, as pure coffee water has been explicitly optimized for this mixing ratio.
  • Is pure coffee water also suitable for the preparation of cold brew?
    Of course, you can also use pure coffee water to make cold brew. As the water is not heated during preparation, you should merely ensure that it is stored properly (in a cool, dark and dry place).
  • How do I store the mixed water?
    You can store the finished water mixture in a closed 5 liter container. As with most foods, you should use your mixed water swiftly after opening, not expose it to sunlight and store it in a cool place if possible. However, as the water is usually heated to >88 degrees Celsius during preparation, longer storage is not a problem.
  • What is the shelf life of the sticks?
    Although each stick has a best-before date, our product has an unlimited shelf life if stored properly. To ensure the longest possible shelf life, the sticks should simply be stored in a cool (room temperature) and dry place.
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